What’s The Point Of Being Rich? 

rich wealthy man alone in bed sad in a golden bed

The point of being rich is often associated with the opportunities and lifestyle it can provide. Being wealthy offers financial freedom, the ability to travel, a comfortable living environment, and the means to pursue personal interests and hobbies.

But that monetary wealth comes with its expensive costs in terms of money, health, and well-being.

But what is the point of being rich if you are uncomfortable?

You need to determine if the pressures and responsibilities you are experiencing are too much, comparing it to the extra good you receiving in your current position.

If your well-being is compromised, what’s the point?

The problem is that people forget this. Usually, there are two kinds of human beings:

the competitive, one that wants to keep going and going, no matter what, to new goals. He only sees the new match of the game that he MUST win. He thinks of himself as a winner, and behaves like one;

the mediocre, who just wants to live a flat life, following the flow of happenings, occasionally moving himself (slowly) just because is moved from life situations and by others. He doesn’t even know what he is, he has a too zoomed-in vision to see that. he doesn’t even care. He is mostly seen as a loser, a follower.

A follower of others, of events, of his boring, flat, goal-less life.

The competitive is usually born poor and becomes rich.

The mediocre is usually born rich and erodes his net worth.

Seems that it is so hard to find the right balance.

Living well, without being miserably stuck or,

on the other hand, pushing too much at the cost of health.

Life is too short to use it improperly.

Being rich is not how much you have but how much you give.

Pros and Cons of Being Wealthy

Being rich comes with its pros and cons. On the positive side, it offers financial freedom, the ability to enjoy luxurious experiences, and the means to pursue passions and interests. Wealth can also provide access to quality healthcare and the opportunity to have more control over one’s time.

However, there are also downsides to being wealthy.

Managing large sums of money can be complex, bringing about increased responsibilities, stress, and potential legal or ethical challenges. This can lead to a need for more often healthcare because all this pressure and stress can attract sickness.

Additionally, the social implications of wealth, such as navigating relationships and societal expectations, can pressure some individuals.

Ultimately, the value of being rich is subjective and varies from person to person. While wealth can provide many opportunities and advantages, it’s essential to consider the broader implications and responsibilities that come with it. Finding a balance between financial success and personal well-being is a crucial aspect of navigating the complexities of wealth.

How Does Being Rich Affect Mental Health?

Being wealthy can have a significant impact on mental health. 

While financial stability and independence provide advantages, they do not guarantee sustainable mental wellness. Wealth can lead to unique challenges, such as increased pressure to achieve more, feelings of isolation, and the perception that individuals should be able to manage problems more easily with money. 

This can result in the masking of underlying mental health issues, leading to untreated conditions and potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse, or using against you the poker face you’ve (l)earned in your career.


And the societal stigma around wealth can create extra worry and doubt, making it challenging for affluent individuals to seek professional treatment for their mental health conditions.

Having wealth brings significant social pressure.

In certain cultures, it appears to be viewed as a wrongdoing. In their eyes, those who are wealthy are considered sinners.

Furthermore, research suggests that extremely wealthy people may exhibit behavior tendencies towards self-promotion, emotional coldness, and a lack of compassion, which can impact their relationships and overall well-being.

Studies have also shown that sudden wealth losses can have a significant negative impact on an individual’s mental health. While household wealth can have positive medium- and long-term impacts on individuals’ mental health, the effects are not linear and can be influenced by various factors, such as changes in wealth and the living environment.

What are some common mental health issues experienced by wealthy individuals?  

Some common mental health issues include:

Anxiety Disorders: Wealthy individuals can experience anxiety disorders, which may be exacerbated by the unique pressures and expectations associated with their financial status.

Depression: Research suggests that individuals with high wealth, such as entrepreneurs and business owners, are at greater risk of depression. The stress, high expectations, and the need to maintain their social status can contribute to the development of depression.

Isolation and Loneliness: Despite their financial success, wealthy individuals often experience feelings of loneliness and isolation due to busy schedules, long work hours, and the societal pressure to maintain their wealth and status. This can lead to deteriorating mental health.

Substance Use Disorders: Ignoring underlying mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, including substance abuse.

Pressure to Succeed: The constant pressure to achieve more and meet high expectations, both from within and from external sources, can lead to stress, restlessness, and trouble concentrating, contributing to mental health issues.

Social Stigma and Lack of Empathy: Wealthy individuals may face societal stigma and a lack of empathy, as they are often perceived as having no problems or being able to manage problems more easily with money. This can lead to a minimization of their mental health issues and a lack of support.

Moral Entitlement and Lack of Compassion: Research has shown that extremely wealthy people may exhibit behavior tendencies towards “self-promotion, emotional coldness, duplicity, and aggressiveness,” which can impact their relationships and overall well-being.

Some common misconceptions about being wealthy

When individuals achieve wealth, they often encounter various misconceptions and pitfalls that can impact their financial well-being. Understanding and addressing these misconceptions is crucial for maintaining and growing this status.

1. Money Can Buy Happiness: Contrary to popular belief, wealth does not guarantee happiness. While financial stability is important, it does not automatically solve all problems or bring lasting happiness.

2. Money Equals Security: Another misconception is that having money makes a person completely secure. In reality, wealth does not shield individuals from all challenges, such as health issues or personal trials.

3. More Money Means Fewer Worries: Many people believe that having more money leads to fewer worries. However, increased wealth can bring about its own set of concerns and responsibilities, leading to additional worries and complexities.

4. You Don’t Have What It Takes to Be Wealthy: Some individuals believe they cannot become wealthy because they lack certain skills. In reality, anyone can work towards wealth by being prepared to put in the necessary effort and dedication.

5. Money Changes Relationships: There is a misconception that money corrupts relationships. While wealth can complicate certain dynamics, it does not guarantee smooth or easy relationships.

6. Being Rich is Selfish: While some people may accumulate wealth for selfish reasons, many successful entrepreneurs have used their wealth to make a positive impact on their community and the world.

What’s the point of being rich when you wake up alone? 

That’s a profound question, isn’t it?

The kind that makes you pause.

The kind that makes you reflect on what wealth means.

Beyond just the numbers in your bank account.


Sure, having money can open doors to all sorts of opportunities and extreme luxuries,

but what good is it if you wake up feeling empty, right? 

There, you living an apparent good life, but you moved too far, and you don’t feel comfortable.

The idea of “pushing yourself outside your comfort zone” is commonly suggested worldwide.

Well, I will be unpopular:

I hold a different perspective.

If you feel uncomfortable, isn’t good by itself.

Yes, of course, you need to move and when you do difficult things you will feel uncomfortable, but if you build yourself a safe area and focus on what you feel good about, you won’t feel outside your comfort zone, you will be living well.

If you are feeling well you need less time off, because you are already good at what you doing, you don’t need the effort of other people who are forced into their positions.

You are more of an owner of your life, not a tenant of it.

I understand the circular economy, but at least, try to own the control of your life.

Does it make any sense for you?

As you probably understood, I think the true point of being rich isn’t just about the material possessions or the flashy lifestyle.

It’s about living a life that’s rich in experiences, connections, and meaning. It’s about having the freedom to pursue your passions, spend time with the people who matter most to you, and make a positive impact in the world.

But waking up alone hits differently. 

It reminds us that no amount of money can replace genuine human connection. It’s about having someone to share your joys, your struggles, and your dreams with. 

Someone who sees you for who you are beyond wealth and status.

Being rich in the true sense of the word means finding that balance between financial success and emotional fulfillment. It’s about investing in relationships, nurturing your soul, and finding happiness in the simple moments of life. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how much money you have, but how rich you feel in your heart.

Money cannot buy love, but can fake it. Don’t fool yourself.

It’s essential to have meaningful relationships and connections in life. 

But be careful in your valuations, having people around doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not alone. 

Money attracts interested people who want to use you and/or get your money, somehow.

Faking till they make it.

They see you as nothing more than a walking bank account.

While wealth provides various advantages such as financial freedom, security, and the ability to help others, it’s not at all a substitute for genuine human connection. The true value of being rich lies in personal relationships and great experiences.

To find fulfillment in life beyond material possessions, one can:

1. Cultivate Positive Emotions: Focus on experiences that bring joy, gratitude, and contentment, rather than relying solely on material acquisitions.

2. Build Meaningful Relationships: Prioritize connections with loved ones and supportive individuals, as these relationships contribute significantly to overall fulfillment.

3. Live According to Personal Values: Align actions and decisions with core values, as this fosters a sense of purpose and authenticity.

4. Seek Balance in Life: Strive for a well-rounded life that encompasses various aspects, such as work, relationships, personal growth, and leisure.

5. Practice Gratitude: Appreciate the present moment and the simple pleasures in life, shifting focus from what is lacking to what is already present.

6. Engage in Activities Beyond Material Pursuits: Pursue hobbies, spend time in nature, and prioritize experiences that bring joy and meaning.

7. Let Go of the Need for Perfection: Embrace imperfection and appreciate the ordinary moments in life, rather than constantly seeking an unattainable ideal.

8. Accept What Cannot Be Changed: Release the need for control over every aspect of life, acknowledging that some things are beyond personal influence.

9. Focus on Personal Growth and Contribution: Direct energy towards self-improvement and making a positive impact on others and the world, as these pursuits lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment.

10. Appreciate Intangible Aspects of Life: Recognize that true happiness and fulfillment stem from intangible elements such as love, purpose, and personal growth, rather than material possessions.

By embracing these principles and practices, individuals can discover a deeper and more enduring sense of fulfillment that transcends the pursuit of material wealth.

Uncover Parasites

Understanding someone’s values and whether they genuinely care for you beyond your wealth can be a subtle process that involves observing their behavior and attitudes.

Let’s find the parasites in your life.

Here are some ways to gain insights without directly asking:

1. Observing Their Actions: Pay attention to how they prioritize their time and resources. Do they invest in experiences and relationships, or do they primarily focus on material possessions and wealth accumulation?

2. Noticing Their Treatment of Others: Observe how they treat people from all walks of life, including those who may not have the same level of wealth. This can provide clues about their attitudes towards wealth and social status.

3. Engaging in Meaningful Conversations: Have open discussions about topics that reveal their values, such as their views on success, relationships, and the importance of wealth. Listen to understand, not just to respond.

4. Assessing Their Response to Adversity: Observe how they handle challenges and setbacks. Do they demonstrate resilience, empathy, and a focus on personal growth, or do they primarily rely on their wealth to navigate difficulties?

5. Evaluating Their Definition of Happiness: Understand what brings them joy and fulfillment. Are their sources of happiness primarily tied to material possessions, or do they find meaning in non-material aspects of life?

By using these subtle methods, you can gain a better understanding of someone’s values and whether they genuinely care for you beyond your wealth. It’s important to approach this process with empathy and an open mind, as genuine connections are built on mutual understanding and respect.

When becoming wealthy, to maintain your values and well-being consider the following strategies:

1. Practice Stealth Wealth: Avoid flaunting your wealth to minimize external judgment and societal pressures. This can help you stay grounded and focused on what truly matters to you. By shifting the focus away from materialism and societal expectations, they can direct their energy towards activities and pursuits that align with their true passions and values. This may involve investing time and resources into personal growth, experiences, and relationships that bring genuine joy and fulfillment. Additionally, adopting a stealth-wealth mindset can provide a sense of security and peace of mind. By avoiding unnecessary attention and scrutiny, individuals can protect themselves and their families from potential risks associated with public displays of wealth, such as theft, exploitation, or undue pressure from others.

2. Educate Yourself: Continuously learn about financial management, investing, and the impact of wealth. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions and stay connected to the practical aspects of wealth.

3. Prioritize Financial Discipline: Maintain the financial discipline that contributed to your wealth. Continue to save, invest wisely, and avoid unnecessary expenses to stay true to the principles that brought you success.

4. Attribute Success to Luck: When discussing your achievements, attribute your success to fortunate opportunities and hard work. This mindset can help you stay humble and appreciative of the factors that contributed to your wealth.

5. Focus on Freedom and Security: Use your wealth to create freedom, security, and opportunities for yourself and others. By prioritizing these aspects, you can align your actions with your values.

6. Surround Yourself with the Right People: Build a network of individuals who share your values and can provide support and guidance as you navigate the complexities of wealth.

7. Give Back and Stay Grounded: Engage in philanthropy and contribute to causes that are meaningful to you. This can help you stay connected to the broader impact of wealth and maintain a sense of purpose.

8. Learn to pay for your assets, and make your assets pay for your liabilities.

Once you’ve acquired assets, the goal is to leverage them to generate income or returns that can cover your financial obligations or liabilities.

Assets can include investments, real estate, businesses, or any income-generating ventures.

By following these guidelines, you can strive to preserve your values as you navigate the opportunities and challenges that come with wealth.

Some common mistakes people make when they become wealthy and how can you avoid them. Here is the list:

1. Seeking Comfort, Not Freedom: Comfort can hinder the pursuit of abundance, while the wealthy seek freedom and abundance that is not solely dependent on their efforts.

2. Spending More Than You Should: Unnecessarily spending top dollar on products and services can lead to financial challenges, even for high earners. Living within your means is crucial for building and maintaining wealth.

3. Investing Inappropriately: Failing to invest appropriately considering your current financial situation, risk tolerance, and financial goals can hinder wealth-building. It’s important to carefully consider asset allocation and make adjustments based on your situation and goals.

4. Not Having a Plan for Emergency Savings: Failing to have a plan for emergency savings can leave you vulnerable to financial setbacks. Establishing a robust emergency fund is essential for protecting and growing your wealth.

5. Spending Based on Values: Spending based on values is crucial for building wealth. It’s important to ensure that your spending aligns with your financial and life goals, enriches your life, and helps your family.

To avoid these mistakes, it’s important to prioritize financial discipline, live within your means, invest appropriately, and establish a comprehensive plan for emergency savings. Additionally, seeking guidance from financial professionals can provide valuable support in making informed decisions and avoiding common financial pitfalls.

To be really wealthy, use your time as you like keep progressing in things you care and keep doing things you love.


Wealth gives us time.

Having all this time gives us a big responsibility.

The responsibility to live a meaningful life.

You have to use that time wisely and not lose your values and your mind, but make them both grow.

Financial Freedom: Wealth can offer the freedom to make choices based on personal preferences rather than financial constraints. This includes the ability to retire early, pursue entrepreneurial ventures, or engage in activities that align with personal values and interests. 

Time Flexibility: Being wealthy can provide the flexibility to allocate time according to personal preferences. This may involve spending more time with family, pursuing hobbies, engaging in philanthropy, or traveling.

And now, it’s time for a little quiz.

Welcome to the “Wealthy Living Assessment Quiz

This quiz is designed to help you evaluate whether you’re embodying wealth in a fulfilling and balanced manner. While financial success is important, true wealth extends beyond monetary possessions to encompass meaningful relationships, personal growth, and contributions to others.

By answering the following questions, you’ll gain insights into your attitudes and behaviors towards wealth and well-being. Whether you’re striving to find balance or are already on the path to fulfillment, this quiz aims to guide you toward a richer and more rewarding life. 

Let’s begin!

Here’s a set of questions to assess whether one is being wealthy in a fulfilling and balanced manner:

1. Do you prioritize experiences and relationships over material possessions?

2. Are you able to maintain humility and gratitude despite your wealth?

3. Do you actively seek opportunities for personal growth and contribution to others?

4. Are you able to manage stress and challenges effectively without solely relying on your wealth?

5. Do you use your wealth to create freedom and security for yourself and others?

6. Are you surrounded by people who share your values and support your well-being?

7. Do you practice financial discipline and live within your means, avoiding unnecessary expenses?

8. Are you able to balance your time effectively between work, leisure, and personal relationships?

9. Do you prioritize giving back to your community or supporting causes that are meaningful to you?

10. Are you able to find fulfillment beyond material possessions and financial success?

Score yourself on each question based on how well you align with the desired behaviors and attitudes:

– 1 point for strongly disagree

– 2 points for disagreeing

– 3 points for neutral

– 4 points for agree

– 5 points for strongly agree

Add up your scores to get your total. Here’s how to interpret your score:

– 10-20: You may be struggling to find balance and fulfillment in your wealth. Consider reassessing your priorities and making changes to align more closely with your values.

– 21-30: You’re making some efforts to live wealthy in a fulfilling way, but there’s room for improvement. Focus on areas where you can enhance your well-being and contribution to others.

– 31-40: You’re on the right track toward being wealthy in a meaningful and balanced manner. Keep up the good work and continue striving for personal growth and fulfillment.

– 41-50: Congratulations! You’re demonstrating a strong commitment to living wealthy in a fulfilling and balanced way. Keep prioritizing your well-being and the well-being of others as you continue on your journey.

Final Thoughts

In a world often measured by material wealth, this journey into the complexities of being rich reminds us that true abundance extends far beyond the contents of our bank accounts.

While financial success undoubtedly opens doors and grants opportunities, its real worth lies in the richness of our relationships, the depth of our experiences, and the impact we have on others. As we navigate the pursuit of wealth, let us not forget the profound importance of cultivating humility, fostering genuine connections, and finding fulfillment beyond the confines of material possessions.

In the end, it is not the size of our bank balance that defines us, but the depth of our humanity and the richness of our lives.